newbie12 :
Depends, do you want 3D? Do you want more perceived smoothness? Do you want less screen tearing once you go pass 60fps? Do you want less input lag? If the answer is yes to all of them, then yes go grab yourself that 144Hz monitor.
144HZ does not automatically equal low input lag, varies greatly from monitor to monitor some 60hz have less lag than 144hz, all in teh quality
newbie12 :
Gnuffi :
stuttering occur when you have low framerate, i.e your system cant handle the graphical data it needs to process smoothly

No, that would be call lagging. Stuttering is when the GPU is waiting for the CPU to finish up on it's thing so that it can proceed. If you have a slow CPU and a fast GPU and both are required to do some work but the slow CPU is too slow to catch up with the fast GPU(even if they're matched up fine), then the GPU has to pause for a bit to let the CPU catch up and in this time is where you would get the stuttering affect because the GPU has to pause for that slight moment.
basically what i said, since the cpu-gpu hick up will automatically cause an instant frame drop, stuttering never occurs when a constant fps is maintained, it simply cant because the steady fps wouldnt be maintained when the systems cant communicate proper fast enough together
there is a difference in constant low frame rate like crappy consol 20fps laggyness, or framerate variance, and then playing a smooth 90fps, with stuttering, which will then in an instant tank your fps when it occurs, which is why the stuttering is so noticeable, even if only drops within 1 frame
newbie12 :
Gnuffi :
it is highly unlikely you you will encounter both issues on your system usually it is one or the other
But both can still happen nonetheless!
true, but isnt often tho, and with his system highly unlikely
newbie12 :
Depends, do you want 3D? Do you want more perceived smoothness? Do you want less screen tearing once you go pass 60fps? Do you want less input lag? If the answer is yes to all of them, then yes go grab yourself that 144Hz monitor.
while he unlikely would go much past 60 fps if any with his current system, and thus 144Hz is far from needed, i do agree a144hz should be considered, but mainly for the use of the few instances where the fps might be attained now, and then having the monitor "ready" when upgrading hardware/system in teh future
screen tearing shouldnt really be an issue on teh current setup, and the monitor wont really help with stuttering anyway since thats his hardware, which is getting on the older and slower side, so probably while in 9/10 games a 144Hz monitor wont help him in those regards, it would be useful iin teh few, and then in the future when upgraded,