Do I think a game will run better with extra un-used memory? no. They are too large and complex to be fully cached
Do I think any thing cached from windows will start faster? yes, but you have to wait while windows learns and caches all this stuff. Right off startup windows has not even cached anything yet. it does it overtime(in a way to avoid performance loss for the rest of the system).
It is not going to enhance your life in a noticeable way. Will 5 SSDs in raid0 be faster? sure, will it improve random read/writes/access times? no. It is kind of the same thing, only a very special type of use will gain performance from more memory and for the most part programs using that ram are what will benefit.
Also note that this much memory(and 4 stick setups in general) will actually place a bit more strain on the memory controller and in some cases will result in the user needing to use looser timings or slower speeds(this is why buying kits sold as a set is recommended).
You also have to see exactly what the task manager is showing
Total 8155 Total usable by the OS(some may be reserved 8192 would be exactly 8 gigabytes)
Cached is 3194 This is the memory windows caches common programs in(this is the improved performance part of having extra memory).
Available is 3440 This is how much memory windows can use at this point in time. It will evacuate the caches memory if needed.
Free is 295 This memory is doing nothing at all.
You can get more information here.
So even with the memory use showing 57% it is actually much higher. The cached memory just does not show up because it makes users think windows or the system it self is hogging memory(I think Vista showed it differently and caused lots of user confusion). So even if the system shows 4.6 gigabytes in use almost all the rest has been cached(and will be used as needed). Again this memory will be evacuated as soon as it is needed for something and the system is predictive so it learns with time.
It is better visualized in the Resource Monitor.
You will see the same thing for the most part, but will get a better visualization of actual use(almost all memory contains usable data only the small free portion is actually not in use.).