Warning, if your friend is trying to use a Windows 7 from a Dell / Gateway / Etc. he won't be able to. While W8 is transferable to any machine, Windows 7 and older are 'locked' to that system purchased with from a OEM (off the shelf PC).
Otherwise I would suggest he save just a bit more ($700-750) and get a i5 Haswell based PC, as he will get more 'forward' investment then just being able to 'play today' games. Considering how much demand BF4, AC4, etc. put on the CPU as well as the GPU, a i5 is a better investment since it is now beating the FX-8xxx and AMD still hasn't come out with anything else, nor intends to, for 'Gamers' anymore (see current AMD news on investment mainly in APUs for low cost, low demand, low power systems for the 'masses').