$650 budget, which GTX 680


Apr 6, 2012
Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a new GTX 680 but i'm a bit unsure which one to get.
My friend is telling me to get the ASUS GeForce GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP Edition or the MSI Lightning. Due to how well they overclock, would either of these be a good choice?

I was also very interested in this one here, The Gigabyte GeForce GTX 680 2GB Super Overclock, as it has a very high gpu clock, and a high memory clock.

Please let me know which one of these you think would be the best buy, or if you think that a different one would be more worthwhile then please let me know. 😀

Thanks for any help. Take care!
Will do, Also i'm getting rid of the 7970 with a profit, 😀 it came with a 3 game deal, and I sold each game for $30-$40 so even if i don't get the price i want for it, i'll have probably still made money ;D.
I'd recommend getting a 4GB edition in case you ever decide to do a multi-monitor setup. For 4GB, I'd recommend this Gigabyte- http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=21725 -if you have the room for it in your case, and if not, this Asus- http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=22281 -. If you want to stick with the 2GB editions, I'd go with the Asus you listed above if you have the three PCI slots to spare, and if not, id go with the MSI.

Maybe i am, but i was told that they perform better?

:O when do they come out?
I would go for a 670 if you really want a 680 either of those are good.
MSI's GTX 680 Lightning continue the heritage of Lightning card from the company, offering maxxed out graphics cards targeted at overclocker and enthusiasts.
The GPU clock is up to 1111 MHz base clock, reaching up to 1200 MHz with clock boost.The GTX 680 DirectCU II Top from ASUS is one of the best equipped GTX 680 around. The GPU clock has been pushed up to 1'202 MHz, the PCB has been entirely revisited and it's being cooled by a huge triple slot dual fan cooler. ASUS claims this flagship to be 11 % faster, 20 % cooler and 14dB quieter than the reference design.But honestly a 670 is better bang for buck.