Question 6700 or 3060ti

I’m torn between 2 graphics cards a 6700 (non xt) for 280 usd new and a Rtx 3060ti for 275 usd, both brand new. seems like a really good deal for a 3060ti but I’m worried about vram only being 8gb no better than I have now. What would be the better option?
they are pretty similar in performance. if the extra vram makes you happy go with the 6700. if you prefer the alphabet of "features" from the 3060ti then go with it.

coin toss for me as i don't care about all the eye candy and fake frames and so on either offer.

the vram thing is being blown up way beyond what it needs to be. it is only an issue at higher resolutions and if you insist on checking every box. if you stay at 1080p and let the game decide what it wants to use, you'll never notice the difference between the 2. if you suffer from FOMO and lose sleep over what boxes are checked, then you'll likely want the extra vram to help you have nice dreams at night :)
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If I may, I know price may be a factor here ...but you are so close to the XT and all the reviews/benchmarks show that the extra performance is worth it for sure....I mean if you can add an extra 40-60 bucks you could probably pick one up