6700k + H155i temps and voltages.

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I'm just needing other peoples opinions on if these temps, multipliers and voltages all check out.

I'm able to get my 6700k with the Corsair H115i AIO up to 4.5GHz with 1.3-1.305v (crashed once somehow at 1.3 so bumped a bit just in case) and see temps go up to about 77c with this cooler and 64c on a chilly day.

but just going up to 4.6GHz with 3.5-3.505v (once again, didn't crash on 3.5 but went up once again to be safe) and I get up to 85c with a randomly jump to 88 for a second.

4.7GHz almost instantly blue screens at 1.4v and the temps I imagine would be way too much.

Do you think these temperatures are normal? I opted to replace the stock fans on the cooler for some Industrial Noctua 2000rpm fans too (not because of this, when I first got it). The ambient temperature is around 20-25c when I test these besides that one chilly day.

I've reapplied thermal paste the the cpu numerous times (Noctua NT-H1) and that seems fine.
I moved my radiator to the front of my case as I have a open fan style GPU which caused an additional 10-20 degree increase. (If you're skeptical about that, here's a link to a video explaining it in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNAMxZgvves)

Are these temps normal? Is my cooler doing it's job? Are the voltages alright?

I have tried researching this but it's so riddled with random voltages, random multipliers and random coolers I couldn't figure it out.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I use a maximum on 75% on my fans to reduce noise.
So you need to bring back the OC. Anything >80 is bad.

I tried reseating my pump with new thermal paste and it made a difference. The radiator needs to be in the front like you have, but you can do push or pull. It should make a difference. What kind of fans are on the pump? The stock?

I have put the multiplier back to 4.5 where it is under 80 even under stress testing for now.
I have reseated and reapplied paste numerous times and there was no real difference.

I use two Noctua NF-A14 Industrial PPC 140mm 2000RPM PWM Fans in pull (mainly for dust filtration reasons)
That's fine on the fan setup.

I'd recommend using corsair link to verify your pump is running properly. See what the pump temps are. If they're not around 30c or lower at idle, or the pump speed is really low (it should run at either ~1800 or ~2900 depending on settings, there's no curve), it could be your particular model.

It could also be that you've got a bad CPU.

80c is the limit. Prime95 v26.6 SMALL FFT setting will give a realistic load temp. If that exceeds 80, you're running hot and need to check your equipment.
Do not by any means exceed 1.4 volts. I also highly recommend not overclocking that high if it requires more than 1.35 maybe as high as 1.375.

For me to do 5.0ghz I need to do 1.375, but it runs excessively hot. I can't go higher than 4.8 on a 7700k at 1.340 volts. That puts me right at 80c.
the temps should be below 80C on cores under load.
you cooler is mediocre at most for a liquid cooler. same for all other CLC coolers from corsair, nzxt etc.
if you want something with decent cooling capacity, made of high quality components, looking great and expandable - Swiftech H220 X2 or H240 X2 is your best affordable choice.

The pump is on performance mode. Runs fine.

I don't think it's a bad CPU considering it can do 4.5 at 1.3 fine and low temps (except on hotter days).

I don't do realistic tests, I do hard stress tests for maximum heat. In games my CPU doesn't even hit 60. Sometimes under 50.

That's all normal for the 7700k to reach those multipliers.

One thing I want to point out though is that over 80 is fine. You can find many people that will tell you that and a lot of people if your CPU can handle the heat will go as high as 1.5 on the voltage. Your standards are a bit low.

Well that would be very dependent on the multiplier, ambient temps and voltage.
and it's "under load" could mean just gaming for some and a hard stress test for others.
I stay at around 50 when gaming on AAA games and when doing a heavy stress test is what results in the numbers I posted.

I heard that Swiftech has quality control issues and all the tests I've seen were compared with the older h110i, h100i and etc. all older radiators and even those were neck and neck.

I forgot to mention that I keep my cpu fans at a max of 75% for sound purposes.
My standards are the recommended limits to prevent chip wear and tear. I'm not going to subject my chip to over 80 for extended periods of time. That's like saying you want to cram your hand in an oven because it can do it. You'll bake your hand if you keep it in there.

More power to you. I'll take my longevity.

80C on cores is not dependent on anything. it's the limit that you don't want to cross.
the load - well i test my systems with insane/unrealistic loads (like prime95 + heaven simultaneously). that's how i know that any thing else will be fine.

Regarding Swiftech... What quality issues ? Radiator ? Pump ? CPU block ? they are kinda top tier components.

From what i've seen - Swiftech's H220/H240 beats every CLC by 5-12C at much lower noise.
you can not compare that joke thing that asetek/coolit (makers of corsair, nzxt, tt, arctic liquid AiOs) call a pump with DDC pump. You can not compare CPU block with that coldplate on those CLCs. And of course you can not compare copper/brass radiator with that aluminum thing.

I can understand people knowingly choosing Kraken x62 for the infinity mirror.
but otherwise, asetek/coolit is cheap crap with 2-5 years intended lifespan.
Swiftech or EK AiO will continue to work way more.

The temperature you get is dependent on those is what I said.

Most I've seen is 2-5 degrees difference and that was comparing against older AIO's, not this newer one.
My cooler doesn't make a beloved patriot of noise from the pump btw. I haven't heard shit.

You call it cheap crap despite there's hardly any degree difference from what I can find, I can't hear the damn thing at all and it's cheaper... which is almost expected.... you're paying a premium to get those extra degrees and different materials.

2 year intended lifespan but with a 5 year warranty???
Swiftech only carries a 3. If they "work way more" I'd expect a 6-8 or more year warranty then. not a 3.


Not many instances would you ever need to have the chip running at 100% though. That's stress testing.