6700k Skylake vs 4790k


May 28, 2015
Is the extra ~$180 worth it to go with a Z170 board, DDR4 RAM, and an i7 6700k worth it for the performance? In my web browsing I see minimal difference in the gaming application between the two. This computer is only going to be used for gaming and maybe a little bit of streaming so I don't think I would benefit much from quicker RAM. So here are the two builds I am considering. All thoughts are appreciated, also explanation would be even better so I don't keep having to post similar questions on the forum! 😀 Thanks!
With Skylake
With Devil's Canyon
I had a 4790k, overclocked to permanent 4.4ghz, turbo disabled (means it's all the time at 4.4ghz).
I now have a 6700k, overclocked to the same frequency with the turbo also disabled.

On average, I gained 15% performance in all CPU benchmarks I've done, and the 6700k stays much cooler to boot.

I guess the gain is a mix between the better CPU performance and the DDR4 3ghz vs the DDR3 1666 I had before.

So yeah, if you have the money, get the Skylake. Not to mention it's more "future proof".