6870 Overheat problems?


May 25, 2011
I was playing a few games at once like i normally do. Eve Online in the background while having Skyrim main screened. I tab between them but one is minimized always during this. Today while in Eve my screen suddenly like... bugged out? it started to flicker around and my screen half'd and the left side suddenly became the right half. the right the left. so when i panned over to my off screen, it would go from mid way, to the right, my mouse pops over to the left side of the screen then to the middle. then shows up on my other screen. now; when i got into screen resolution and set multiple displays to only show one screen, it resets the effect then i revert and its all fixed until 20-30 sec later. so i updated the drivers to latest; but still does it.

so i tested multiple games full screened/windowed/boarder-less and it appears to only happen when the GPU hits 60C. the card is clean, never runs above 70c. fan works fine. etc etc etc.

is it time to get a new GPU? this one is going on roughly 2 years now... maybe 3?

-forgot system info-

OS: windows 7 ultimate SP1 (6.01.7601)
mobo: BioStar A880GZ
ram: G.Skill PC3-12800 DDR3 8gb
GPU: XFX Radeon 6870
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 (3.4GHz)

PSU: RAIDMAX HYBRID 2 RX-530SS 530W (got it with the card, maybe its starting to go out?)

-more info-
restarting my PC actually didn't fix it. the only fix is re-installing drivers or the multiple montiors option change. also i noticed i cant take a screen shot of it. the screen shot appears to have nothing wrong with it while the actual monitor(s) are the ones showing the crash. closing the program and letting my GPU drop even down to 30c doesn't fix the problem until i change the "multiple displays" option to show desktop only on 1, then revert back to extend these displays then its all fixed until my GPU hits 60c again.

restarting my PC actually didn't fix it. the only fix is re-installing drivers or the resolution change i mentioned in my post. also i noticed i cant take a screen shot of it. the screen shot appears to have nothing wrong with it while the actual monitor(s) are the ones showing the crash

i knew the PSU was going out, all the fans were running at full speed all the time for almost a year now. also earlier today, my computer ended up blue screening and not even booting bios. so i ended up just replacing my 6870 with a 9500GT i salvaged from my basement. fans are quiet again and it booted up. and seems to be working again, havent tried any games (not betting on it being stable). so definitely the PSU then? any suggestions of watt's/PSU i'll need?