zakattak80 :
i know overall the 6950 outperforms the 560 by a few frps on most games but it seems thats only if your at super high res. do y'all think 560 well be a better by at 1080?
1. The 560 factory OC'd models can be had cheaper than the reference 6950
2. The factory OC'd 560's outperform the factory OC'd 6950's
3. The factory OC'd 560's have waaaay more headroom for additional OC'ing than the factory OC'd 6950's
4. The 560's scale waaay better in SLI than the 6950's do in CF
Guru3D uses the following games in their test suite, COD-MW, Bad Company 2, Dirt 2, Far Cry 2, Metro 2033, Dawn of Discovery, Crysis Warhead. Total fps (summing fps in each game @ 1920 x 1200) for the various options in parenthesis (single card / SL or CF) are tabulated below along with their cost in dollars per frame single card - CF or SLI:
$ 210.00 6950 (479/751) $ 0.44 - $ 0.56
$ 260.00 6950 Frozr OC (484/759) $ 0.54 - $ 0.69
$ 205.00 560 Ti (455/792) $ 0.45 - $ 0.52
$ 360.00 6970 (526/825) $ 0.68 - $ 0.87
$ 205.00 560 Ti - 900 Mhz (495/862) $ 0.41 - $ 0.48
-One 900Mhz 560 Ti for $205 gets 495 fps to the Frozr 6950's 484 fps for $260 .... virtual tie in performance but that's $55
-Two 900Mhz 560 Ti's for $205 gets 862 fps to the Frozr 6950's 759 fps for $520 .... 100+ fps advantage in performance and $110 back in ya poket.
-Ya can get the 900 Mhz 560's up past 1000MHz, the 6950 doesn't have that kinda headroom.
I been using the Asus model and had great luck w/ 7 outta 8 going to 1000 Mhz w/o voltage tweaks