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Oct 16, 2011
With 6850's going for 130 a pop, = 260$ ,it costs more or less the same than a 6950 OC version from gigabyte @ 870!!

What should i get? i play at 1900x1200 on a 24" and got 4gigs of ram, corsair 800watt gaming series psu and an MSI g45 870 mobo with a triple core 3.0 oc'ed and unlocked to a 3.6 quad core phenom II B40 proc.

looking to finally obtain 50fps on high in crysis x)?

also, which would be more likely to last about 2 years?
that may be the case but 6850 xfire is prone to microstuttering. Start with the single most powerful gfx card you can get first and add another for crossfire/sli later. Do yourself a favour and wait for more than 1 person to respond before selecting best answer, there is more to it than just frames per second, you may experience worse playability with the 6850 xfire as other experienced users will tell you that traded in their 6850 xfire for a single card. Now that you have selected a best answer your thread will be closed before you can get any more responses.
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