6Gb missing C:/ space with Win 10


Sep 13, 2018
Running on a 128Gb SSD I am always battling space. Right now there is about 6GB of space I cannot seem to account for.

My SSD shows 118Gb of total space, with 17.1Gb of free space, however when I total up "size on disk" space of all the files on the disk I can only find 95Gb used, which means 6Gb is missing somewhere. All my system files are show, and paging, hibernation etc are all off, the only thing running is swapfile.sys which is about 1/4Gb.

Numbers are shown in this pic. Would be really useful if I could free up this space. Any ideas?


With Win 10 already running in compact mode, is there anything else I can do to reduce windows install size? Removing useless programs maybe?

Thanks guys. I will try the WinDir tool and see if they give different results to the windows count. I run disk cleanup on regular basis did it a few days ago... looking at it now I can clean up a little space, but not nearly all that is missing.

If your Win 10 just updated itself to v1809, there is now a Windows.old in there that you may not be seeing.
windows has hidden dirctories under the username, in these hidden directory various apps store data. Some of these apps store a large amount of website data just in case you might visit the website. often you have to run special programs to make the app not cache websites.
just my hidden appsdata directory under my username has 25,000 files and is using around 5 gb of space.

- guess you could run cleanmgr.exe and have windows do its various cleanup.
- you can delete window.old if not done already
- you might create a new admin account then delete your old main account
you might start cmd.exe as an admin then run
dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded
(have not used this in years)

maybe download and run driverstoreexplorer and delete old versions of drivers on the machine.

reduce your pagefile.sys size (virtual memory setting)

-remove old apps that you do not use
-delete old recovery points

otherwise I would add a second drive and link it into a subdirectory of the c: drive