7-8-8-24 vs 9-9-9-24

Nick L

Apr 24, 2013
I'm building my first computer and I'm wondering wheather I'll actually notice the difference between these timings? And, what are the practical differences anyway? the 7-8-8-24 is a few $ more, like $2. But it's out of stock where I live (sweden). Can I go with 9-9-9-24 instead and be fine?

I'll be gaming a little, watching movies and in the near future I'll do some minor editing. Thoughts?

Both are Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4) 1600Mhz

Unless you're running benchmarks, it's unlikely and I highly doubt that you would notice the difference.

The difference is the lower latency = better performance. It'll be faster and better at OC. 9-9-9-24 is fine.

Thoughts on what? On what you'll plan to do? I don't care. Doesn't matter to me what you do. 😵


I mean, is the difference between 7-8-8-24 and 9-9-9-24 even relevant if I'll only do those things? Or is it more/only noticable when doing hardcore gaming and tough video editing?

The difference in speed (1600 vs 1866) is seen (not very noticeably) while doing things like rendering videos, while the difference in CAS latency (7 vs 9) can be seen in gaming. Will you really notice much of a difference? Not really, but if the difference is only $2 I'd wait for a week and if it's back stock, go for the faster timings.