$700 Server Hosting Computer


Sep 27, 2013
Hello everyone, recently i've been think about making a Minecraft Server and hosting it on a custom built computer. I have no knowledge in the server department of computers so I wanted to ask for some help building a server build. I would like it to have 16GB of RAM if that can fit into the budget, if not 8GB would probably do fine. Also if the Aftermarket cooler is not necessary I don't think I would want one then. Im also trying to keep the electrical cost of it down since this will be on 24/7.

Thanks :)
$700 for a Minecraft hosting computer is pretty extreme. Minecraft isn't all that intensive, unless you're planning on having a 500+ slot server. The real bottleneck is bandwith, how much data can your ISP send back and forth between the client and the server, therefore having no lag.

$700 for a Minecraft hosting computer is pretty extreme. Minecraft isn't all that intensive, unless you're planning on having a 500+ slot server. The real bottleneck is bandwith, how much data can your ISP send back and forth between the client and the server, therefore having no lag.

Oh I thought 700 was a good price. As I said, I have no knowledge in servers. And if you mean my Internet speed, its 15MB down 2MB Up. Is that good enough for 100 slots? I think the up is a really bad speed but i'm not sure if you need Up in server hosting. If those arnt the numbers your looking for, please tell me where I can get what your asking for.
