Looking to buy as soon as possible!
Converting from console to PC and know very little but am still learning the basics of building a PC. I am looking for a setup that will aloow me to play the high end graphics games like BF3, Mass Effect, Starcraft etc.
Budget does include monitors, keyboard and mouse unfortunately as I am coming from a Macbookpro
Want the best bang for my buck to run the best quality i can! I'm hopeless when it comes to computers so I know very little besides building it. I do wish for the computer to be future proof as well.
Converting from console to PC and know very little but am still learning the basics of building a PC. I am looking for a setup that will aloow me to play the high end graphics games like BF3, Mass Effect, Starcraft etc.
Budget does include monitors, keyboard and mouse unfortunately as I am coming from a Macbookpro
Want the best bang for my buck to run the best quality i can! I'm hopeless when it comes to computers so I know very little besides building it. I do wish for the computer to be future proof as well.