750ti drivers failing and recovering


Sep 6, 2015
I posted a similar thread here:

I have had a few changes and updates since that thread and still running into problems. Any game (so far tested: valley benchmark, asseto corsa, Shadow of mordor, titanfall, bioshock) crashes a few minutes into game. Sometimes the graphics drivers fail and recover, sometimes the system locks up and needs a hard reboot. Here is what I have tried so far:

-3 different versions of the nvidia drivers(all with clean installs), no change to problem
-windows 10 clean install, no change
-new power supply, 350w pre-built to 500w ZX series, no change to problem (will keep it though, will be useful for upgrades down the line)
-MSI afterburner down clocked, tried a few different settings. HERE I noticed a big change, games were running 3x longer (10-15mins) before crashing the same way. I initially thought I solved the problem when Uengine Valley got through the entire benchmark test (I even hit solved on my last post!) but letting it run even longer, hits the same issue. I noticed that the biggest change occurred when I brought the memory clock down.

Few notes:
the gpu i bought was refurbished from amazon geforce GTX 750ti SC
current specs: i5 650 8g ram

I really can't think of anything else to try besides returning the unit. My understanding is that if you can fix the problem with down clocking the gpu that means that its likely faulty hardware (not that I exactly solved it just noticed changes when down clocking) Now that I do have the upgraded PSU I have a few more options in my price range for cards though.

Any other suggestions from the more experienced, this is my first time upgrading hardware so any help is greatly appreciated.
I've been having the same problems with the 650 TI for years and have never found a solution. Nvidia's "support" has been useless in diagnosing it. I'd really hoped that an upgrade to 10 with a clean install of everything would help, but it didn't. Looks like the problem extended to the next generation as well.

When my Nvidia card works, it's great, but these constant driver issues are going to send me back to AMD on the next upgrade.
I've been having the same problems with the 650 TI for years and have never found a solution. Nvidia's "support" has been useless in diagnosing it. I'd really hoped that an upgrade to 10 with a clean install of everything would help, but it didn't. Looks like the problem extended to the next generation as well.

When my Nvidia card works, it's great, but these constant driver issues are going to send me back to AMD on the next upgrade.
Could be a bad PSU but usually the symptom would be intermittent BSOD's. Are you getting Windows Stop Error (Blue Screen of Death) or is the system just turning off? Complete shutdowns are usually a heat issue. Have you checked that the fan is spooling up when the card is under load? Is the case in a hot room or have a failed case fan?

no windows stop error. Usually the driver will fail, the game will freeze, screen goes black and then brings the desktop up with a notification "video drivers stopped working and has recovered". Other times the system will do that but then go black again, the fans continue to run (GPU, CPU and case) but a blank screen. Fans are working fine, GPU temp readings get to around 57-60C when the errors occur. I dont believe the PSU is the problem, I got a new one and the same issue was happening.