750ti temps went up 10c


Nov 16, 2014
This is my third post on this topic. Recently, after playing the Rainbow Six Siege Beta, I noticed my GPU temps were around 65-67c. Usually, they only max at 55-57c. Now, mind you, I did have problems with my CPU bottlenecking and was not getting full GPU usage, but on all websites I have been the max temp has been around what I used to have. My idle temps are up about 10c also. I tried switching out my case fan, but the temps didn't change. I only have one case fan, and its exhaust. I have only had this GPU for about a month. I did accidentally hit it once, but that was a while back and my temps didn't change. The fan is able to move around a little on the bearings, is this a problem? Please help.

Put a Intake fan in your Case. I think that's the Case.
Since the GPU dispatch heat & no Cool air can't be accessed in Case, it causes your GPU to heat up.

I'm still using my stock HP Pavilion Case, I don't know if it has two fan brackets. Just a question- how would my fan be the issue if I did not always get those temps?

Heating as in house heating? It's been pouring rain down here in South Carolina for the last week, I'll check the thermostat. What is ambient temp? (Don't mean to sound stupid)
Oh, it is the temp in the house.