"S939 don't cost much more, you can get a S939 for less than 50$US more moeny. This is not a big deal on a full system. And this ensure a better upgradability."
Upgradability...from upgrade: to rise to today's standard,...
In 2 years, will you upgrade your motherboard only to newer standard keeping you then "slow" 939 ou 754 CPU or you will either sell the CPU/mobo/ram and buy like a newer board with that new dualcore cpu and DDR2?
Rather buy the best your money can afford now without thinking about future. if you budget allow a socket 754 3200+ or a 3000+ 939, then go with the 754 3200+. That 50$ more that you could spend for a faster 939...why not on a 3400+ 754...it outperform the 3500+, meaning that you could even push your next upgrade for later.
I dont bash socket 939. if youre ready to spend money and choose, let say, 3500+ 939, well, I'm not sure it is wise. But, if yo say, well, I'll go with a 3800+ then you'll aready have the nice CPU for your next upgrade (note that I said the "nice" and not the good or very good..). OTOH, if you say... well, I need a cool CPU because I want to have fun with overclocking so I dont care about future 'cause I may have blowed out my new board or cpu in 3 month or well, The only motherboard available in my region that have the features I need is only 939, then ..why not.
I've been building computer for me and for other for more than 10 years. I remember when my new 386dx with 4 megs RAM and 40 gigs HDD was hot... From there, I've never upgraded a single part of computer. from new memory to ata 66 to newer socket to newer onboard feature, everytime I was ready to upgrade..I sold the old stuff in a new computer case and got the latest. I felt that I had more for my money, even if I ended to spend more than expected because the whole thing was faster. my old HDD was not slowing dont the whole thing nor my old CPU on my new mobo or my new cpu with my other old stuff. I dont judge the performance of a computer simply by checking how fast is the cpu...or that new ram. My question is : Is this whole system respond fast enough when I'm playing or working on so my money was well spent?
At the end, upgradability might be a good arguement to get the budget for that more expensive parts (yes, I already told my parents to buy me that part because it will last more longer that the cheaper one...) but it my not give you the best for your money now.
-Always put the blame on you first, then on the hardware !!!