I want a second monitor for my setup. Right now I have an Asus IPS monitor and I love it. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236583&cm_re=asus_slim_bezel-_-24-236-583-_-Product
This is the monitor I'm looking at to buy. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XDY3SJF?tag=price475-20&ascsubtag=239879878&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
This is the monitor I currently have and I really like it. Games I play I usually like to play on high or ultra so I either barely get 60 FPS or I'm around 50. I have an i5-7500 and an rx 470. How big is the difference from 75hz to 144hz? I hear 60 to 75 has a pretty big difference and I don't really get that high of fps for 144 anyway. Also some people say TN are better nowadays but some people still have the problems where you tilt your head and it's dark. For my laptop when I slump in my chair it's already almost like you can't even see it. I love my IPS and I'm leaning towards the 75hz IPS because it's cheaper and I never hit even close to 100 fps anyway.
This is the monitor I'm looking at to buy. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XDY3SJF?tag=price475-20&ascsubtag=239879878&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
This is the monitor I currently have and I really like it. Games I play I usually like to play on high or ultra so I either barely get 60 FPS or I'm around 50. I have an i5-7500 and an rx 470. How big is the difference from 75hz to 144hz? I hear 60 to 75 has a pretty big difference and I don't really get that high of fps for 144 anyway. Also some people say TN are better nowadays but some people still have the problems where you tilt your head and it's dark. For my laptop when I slump in my chair it's already almost like you can't even see it. I love my IPS and I'm leaning towards the 75hz IPS because it's cheaper and I never hit even close to 100 fps anyway.