7600k overheating issue


Feb 14, 2015
Hello Tom's hardware community,

I'm having CPU overheating issues on my newly built PC, here are the specs:

Motherboard: ASUS Z270e strix (NEW)
Processor: i5 7600k (NEW)
Cooler: Corsair H55 (NEW)
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 960 G1 Gaming
Power Supply: Corsair V550
Case: Gigabyte Luxo X10

Cooling Setup:
1 Intake fan (Front) Thermaltake riing
1 Intake fan (Side Panel) Thermaltake riing
1 Intake fan with radiator (Back)
2 exhaust fans (Top) Gigabyte case fans
Corsair H55 AIO cooler with push configuration.

My room ambient temperature is around 30-35c. My CPU is idling at 40c in BIOS and around 45c during normal computer work. I ran Heaven benchmark and Rise of the tomb raider, the CPU temperature rose up to 90-100c (100% CPU usage) @4.20Ghz (Intel Turbo Boost). The GPU temperature at that time was only 65c.

I disabled the Intel Turbo boost, but I am still getting 80c at 100% usage which still is pretty high. While installing the AIO pump, I used the pre applied thermal paste and didn't use my own. The pump seems to be working and all fans are working as well.

What could be the reason for this alarmingly high temperature?
I have pretty much the same config as yours.
My 7600k is running @4.8ghz at 1.296v.
i am using hyper 212x as my cpu cooler.
it sits in between 58-62°c and max it goes upto 68°c for a very short time and then sets back to 58-62°c at 4.8ghz.
While doing stress tests it sits in between 79-81°c and my 3rd core reaches 85°c for just a second.
I would suggest you to reapply the thermal paste and not the one that you are currently using and make sure that the AIO is properly seated on top of the CPU.
If it doesn't help as well, then you may as well try some other cooler, if you can borrow from someone for a short period of time, if not then return back the AIO cooler if it's under warranty and get a new one.

Also, is your bios up to date...

You stated that your ambient temperature is 30°C to 35°C. You realize that's 86°F to 95°F, which is quite a hot environment for operating computer equipment.

If you're not quite sure about your ambient temperature, here's the temperature conversions and a short scale:

Cx9/5+32=F ... or ... F-32/9x5=C ... or a change of 1°C = a change of 1.8°F

30.0°C = 86.0°F Hot
29.0°C = 84.2°F
28.0°C = 82.4°F
27.0°C = 80.6°F
26.0°C = 78.8°F Warm
25.0°C = 77.0°F
24.0°C = 75.2°F
23.0°C = 73.4°F
22.0°C = 71.6°F Norm ... or ... 22.2°C = 72.0°F
21.0°C = 69.8°F
20.0°C = 68.0°F
19.0°C = 66.2°F
18.0°C = 64.4°F Cool

Please confirm that your ambient temperature is correct.

Also, not to pop your bubble, but the H55 is a low-end water cooling solution, which is just on par with mid-range air coolers, so don't expect decent Core temperatures with that cooler at such high ambient temperatures.

CT :sol:

Yes, the ambient temperature is around 28c-30c. The methodology i used to check this temperature is that I noted the case, motherboard temperature right after turning it on, since I don't have a room thermometer. Yes, I live in an hot area (36-40c outside). Even with air conditioning I can reduce ambient to only 25, that too when the sun is down.
If it does not overheat during real world use then don't worry about it, as long as you can game on it and work on it and it does not reach 80c your fine, try cleaning the radiator
I have pretty much the same config as yours.
My 7600k is running @4.8ghz at 1.296v.
i am using hyper 212x as my cpu cooler.
it sits in between 58-62°c and max it goes upto 68°c for a very short time and then sets back to 58-62°c at 4.8ghz.
While doing stress tests it sits in between 79-81°c and my 3rd core reaches 85°c for just a second.
I would suggest you to reapply the thermal paste and not the one that you are currently using and make sure that the AIO is properly seated on top of the CPU.
If it doesn't help as well, then you may as well try some other cooler, if you can borrow from someone for a short period of time, if not then return back the AIO cooler if it's under warranty and get a new one.

Also, is your bios up to date? if i may recall correctly the latest version is 0906.
Thank you all for your replies.

I found the issue, the cooler was not seated properly and the thermal paste was only spread on the edge of the processor. I re-seated the processor and after 10 mins of Prime 95 stress test, I am getting these temperatures (http://imgur.com/a/4Rive). This is with Intel turbo boost ON, with which i was previously getting temps of 90+ (LOL).

I guess I have some headroom to take it to 4.5 Ghz.

FYI sorry for my bad english.I just delid my i5 7600k using grizzly conductonaut and krynaut for cooler since i got aluminum plate on my cooler, my core speed 4,5 and cache 4,4 at 1,250v
I was burn my cpu using msi kombustor for 3 minute and playin a game that cpu dedicated like PUBG and planet coaster and my highest cpu is at 68c
I was living in tropical area.. my cpu on idle between 35 - 45c..
IMHO try to reduce your volt in order to reduce the heat, I beleive the i5 7600k has better structure so it is safe to reduce to volt but still stable at playing a game..

I also got i5 6600k, I try on same method it just stay at 56c. maybe it could be 60c( ihavent try) if i playing cpu dedicated game like PUBG..
so i5 6600k is cooler than i6 7600k
maybe because 7600k got higher clock speed,

or maybe something else, maybe someone can explain why?

my i56600k and i57600k is on the same clock speed but the i5 6600k has higher volt 1,290 and i5 7600k has 1,250