770 Double bios selector ?


Jun 24, 2013
hi, i bought yesterday a gtx 770 SC ( evga ) from a spanish store (http://www.pccomponentes.com/evga_geforce_gtx_770_sc_w__acx_cooler_2gb_gddr5.html)

in the evga official site, it says that the gtx 770/780 have a double bios selector, that allows you to use a more customizable precission x (for oc´ing) but i have checked all the card and i didnt find any switch / selector / button. Only chips more chips :S

does anyone where is it located on the GTX 770 SC acx cooler ?
PD: if yes, an illustrative image would be really apreciated 😛 (also sorry if i have a bad english ^^ )

oh i see, thanks for the reply :)

one more thing, when i disassembled the card for replace the thermal paste (arctic cooling 5 ) ive noticed that the board have 2 connectors:
one is for the fans, but the other is like this one (and it isnt connected to anything )
this is other card, but the connector is the same.
In Geforce experience (software) there is an avaliable option for led customization (the reference coolers have leds on the GEFORCE word).
So, could i connect leds on that connector ? if yes, what kind of leds and/or where can i buy it?