770 Power Supply


May 30, 2013
So I was originally going to get a 760, but in the future I will be getting one of them ultrawide 1440p monitors, so decided screw it I'll get a 770. Then down the road make it SLI. But that won't be quite yet ;]

However, will my power supply be fine for the single 770? (I know I may have to upgrade once I get SLI) I have actually searched and some people said yes, no, yes, blah blah, so can someone just tell me. My Specs;

Asus Z77 Sabertooth
i5 3570k @ 4.2Ghz / 1.152v
2x4GB Kingston HyperX blu
Then my HDDs / SSDs
-> Corsair 600W Gaming Series 2013 Edition