7700k on MSI Z170 Gaming M5, adaptive voltage advice needed


Mar 11, 2016
Hello all,

I am a bit confused on how to set up voltages for my 700k in the MSI BIOS. My temp's have been fairly high as many other people's too, but I've noticed that I can lower the voltage a bit and knock off 5 to 10 degrees celius from my CPU temp at load.

Basically, I want to set up an adaptive voltage with offset so that at lower clock speeds my mobo lowers voltages a bit while keepin the voltage at load lower as well, but not as low. I just need someone to confirm that what Im doing I'd correct if they have the same mobo or something.

I actually have an adaptive setting in my BIOS and also and Adaptive+offset. Ive been running stable at 4.5ghz with the adaptive core voltave set at 1.195 volts, but I actually goes up to like 1.24 or something. Def runs cool, but I'd like to undervolt at lower clocks and I read somewhere that adaptive+offset setting was how you do it. I believe it was added in the latest MSI BIOS update because I don't remember seeing it there before and I don't think it is in the manual for the motherboard.
Adaptive voltage is controlled inside of an application that runs in windows. It works in a similar manner to auto, but it's a little bit more strict on the voltage. It still will overvolt anyways, and I really don't recommend it personally. When I ran it on my chip, my limit was set to 1.375 volts in AI Suite 3 TPU, but it would overvolt as high as 1.42. I turned it off and left it on manual. Because there are built in voltage regulators on newer chips, it's arguing with the chip when the program tries to run it. The voltage doesn't always run at max voltage when using manual settings on the board.

This all comes from personal experience on my current 7700k.

You may very well get it to run stable, but I couldn't get stability in anything but the normal 4.2/4.5 ghz setting, but it overvolted bad.
I actually have an adaptive setting in my BIOS and also and Adaptive+offset. Ive been running stable at 4.5ghz with the adaptive core voltave set at 1.195 volts, but I actually goes up to like 1.24 or something. Def runs cool, but I'd like to undervolt at lower clocks and I read somewhere that adaptive+offset setting was how you do it. I believe it was added in the latest MSI BIOS update because I don't remember seeing it there before and I don't think it is in the manual for the motherboard.