7770 dead or slave card locked?

Jacob Pickering

Jul 26, 2013
i got two 7770's, the sapphire vapor cooling ones, and a crossfire bridge. well my power supply went out so i was borrowing a buddies until i got the powersupply mailed off and the repaired one sent back. it only had 1 6 pin power connector so i just used one card for a lil while. well i never got my power supply back, or at least for about 3 months, then i got a new one shipped to me. now when i plug it in, my second 7770 wont work. can't get crossfire enabled, won't recognize i've got a second card plugged in. maybe my motherboard's second pci express slot is broken, maybe the second 7770 card is broken. the second 7770 card won't work at all when it alone is plugged in the top pcie express slot. i thought i remembered reading something about when you plug a card in the bottom of a crossfire setup that it becomes a slave card and has to be flashed or something before it can operate on it's own and not only operational as a slave card? which would mean a motherboard pci slot failure which could make sense since my mobo audio died so maybe my mobo is falling apart? or is the card bad and it should work on it's own even if it's been used as a slave card before? my buddy has two 7950's crosfired and has used the slave card on it's own....

thanks for the help and advice guys.
What size power supply is it? It could be power limitations

There is no such thing as slave card. each card should work fine on it's own regardless of if its been in crossfire before or not.
Try your 2nd card in a friends computer on its own.

The Bottom or 2nd card in a crossfire configuration never works as hard or gets as hot as the primary card. this is because all of the monitors are driven from the primary card

thanks for the reply. i believe in a crossfire setup the secondary card is a slave card to the first rendering every other frame then sending it to the primary card's video output. and for some reason i just vaguely remember reading that a slave card has to be flashed before it can operate on it's own again but i'm probably makin stuff up lolz.