780 GPU choices

2784-KR Is my pick, the main difference is the 3788-KR will have Dual BIOS, which you probably don't need, and is very slightly faster (but not much).
The 2784-KR is superclocked so it's plenty fast.

Also keep in mind the 3788-KR requires 2 8pin connectors as opposed to an 8pin and 6pin connector, make sure your power supply can handle those requirements.
2784-KR Is my pick, the main difference is the 3788-KR will have Dual BIOS, which you probably don't need, and is very slightly faster (but not much).
The 2784-KR is superclocked so it's plenty fast.

Also keep in mind the 3788-KR requires 2 8pin connectors as opposed to an 8pin and 6pin connector, make sure your power supply can handle those requirements.

asked this on linustechtips forum as well and they said the same thing, thank you very much sir.