780 TI or 780 Ti 'black edition'


Aug 16, 2013
I'm currently looking to upgrade my card. Almost bought a 780 last month. Glad I didn't now swing the prices drop recently.

Was all set on getting the new 780 TI this week but I've heard of another version with higher clocks and double the memory.

Worth waiting for the TI special edition?

What you guys think?
The 780 Ti beat the Titan, the titan is only ahead with CUDA cores and is more directed towards developers and less the enthusiast and gamers as the 780 Ti is.



The GTX 690's and HD 7990's Seem to be holding their own against the 780 Ti

Well im not a big fan of AMD. Ive had a few in the past and they run way too hot and are terrible in sli. I will also be looking to buy the same card again in about 6 months for sli so it would have to be nvidia.
It's not out, and I doubt very much it will be much faster then the Titan. AMD has fixed the MS issue with CF. Up to you if you refuse to change with the times. In general the normal cards are the way to go. OC'd/black cards in general aren't worth the price premium over stock. You are asking questions about a card that isn't out yet, so impossible to say for sure which way to go.

Sorry , change with the times?! A little condescending....but my thinking isn't really outdated. I've seen two recent AMD cards (7950's) in CF perform terribly, sound like hairdryers and practically melt through the floor boards. That's not for for me.

As for oc cards not worth the premium , generally I would agree with you there but it's the extra memory that's dramatically different. A jump from 3gb to 6gb. And before you all jump down my throat on 'why do you need all that?' I do a lot of editing, and run multiple monitors on top of playing games.

But, if it isn't announced this week with the new 780 TI I will just get a refrence 780 Ti and see what the future brings :)

It's out, faster then titan. In the few games I looked at didn't seem by much. (I've only browsed the Tom's review so far.) I still more or less stand by the 290X. Once the better coolers come out that is. As it stands right now its ok, but once the temps are down and the clock speeds can get closer to 1GHz it won't be pretty. $700 is just to much for this card when others (290X) is $550. I also wonder how well the binning is going. This might end up being another vaperware card.

I don't mean to be condescending. Most anti CFer's say no because of microstutter. That has been mostly fixed with the new driver that puts in frame pacing. Yes, it doesn't work if you have an eyefinity setup or play older DX9 games. That fix is coming. Speaking of which two 290s (non X cards) at $400 each would be only $100 more then the 780TI. Care to guess who wins there? They have more ram per card as well.

If you want to use this card to do this editing of which you speak you don't want the 780TI, you want the titan. Assuming your program(s) use CUDA. Nvidia cut to much double precision from the 780TI. (checking the GPU benchmarks real fast, looks like it's a win some/lose some between the two so the 780TI looks to be ok after all.) Double check your program(s) you use and see which works better.

All said either of these cards looks to be good. Once AMD gets their heat problem fixed. Their stock cooler isn't capable of cooling the card they have with reasonable sound levels. I wouldn't buy one at this point. But once they get better coolers, I can't imagine buying the 780 or higher. Just to costly. Before you brand me an AMD zealot I'm probably trading in my 7950 for a 760/770. The shadow play looks interesting and I've been looking to find something that will record video. Just need to see if this is the way I want to go or stay with my 7950 and buy some software that will do it. If you have to buy now, I'd go 780. (unless Titan is faster in your apps.) If you can wait, 290X or CF 290s looks to be a great solution as well.