780 Ti vs the world


Apr 16, 2014
Hey people,

So I'm looking for advice on a GPU matter.

I'm currently building a new gaming rig and I can't decide between going for the 780 Ti or either something like the regular 780 or perphaps the 290 / 290x

I'm gaming at 1080p and a single monitor and will do so for a while and I've no real intrest in 4k and the like
Also the heat and noise of the 290(X) is seriously worrying me. I would also like to 'future proof' as much as possible, games I'm looking forward the most as a refference are ; Dragon Age; Inquisition and the Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt.

The things that make me doubt is the balance between the 780 Ti's price tag and it's preformance increase over the 780 I really want to get the Ti but before I do I would like to hear somebody else's opinion over the matter. Also maybe also a suggestion of the best version of the Ti.

Thanks in advance !


Apr 26, 2014
What resolution do you want to play at? How many monitors?
If you're just going to use a 1080p monitor even a 280x/770 would be fine. If you're Using multiple monitors @1080p get a 290, the extra 1gb of Vram will help. If you have a higher resolution monitor get a 780 or a 290, whichever is cheaper.