Looking at upgrading the drastic mistake I made at 3am by ordering a gt 610. thats right, a gt 610. to go with my 16gb and 8350, i ordered a friggin 610.
so indecisive, do i want to crossfire 7770's?
7850's? i hear that radeons are really not all that good and nvidia is the way to go.
I am not looking at 500 for a single card. I would like to remain in the 165 range, that is USD.
so please, give me some info from XP? benchmarks this and marks that, i am after real world experiences not a benchmark on a fresh install.
any and all help in this matter is greatly appreciated as always.
and yes, i run an am fx 8350. yes it is beast mode. yes, it can do more than your i5 3570k. no, i am not anti intel. yes i wish my pizza hut pay checks could afford the i7 3930k.
can we please leave the flame wars out of this? lets just stick to the question here. whats a good video card around 165 or less that has some good stats on it.
thanks! <3
so indecisive, do i want to crossfire 7770's?
7850's? i hear that radeons are really not all that good and nvidia is the way to go.
I am not looking at 500 for a single card. I would like to remain in the 165 range, that is USD.
so please, give me some info from XP? benchmarks this and marks that, i am after real world experiences not a benchmark on a fresh install.
any and all help in this matter is greatly appreciated as always.
and yes, i run an am fx 8350. yes it is beast mode. yes, it can do more than your i5 3570k. no, i am not anti intel. yes i wish my pizza hut pay checks could afford the i7 3930k.
can we please leave the flame wars out of this? lets just stick to the question here. whats a good video card around 165 or less that has some good stats on it.
thanks! <3