7850 vs 660

Alec Huskey

Feb 5, 2013
Im looking at one of these....between 200-250$ and need some help right now i have a ATI radeon 5450 and can hardly play anything...so anything is an upgrade but really want to stick to the 7850 or 660 is there something that makes one of these cards better then the other that im not seeing?

So we've come to see the day and age where PhysX equals one game? :na:
I'm telling you that using PhysX in some games, such as Mirror's Edge are completely unplayable with ANY single CPU you can find for the consumer market without editing the game code itself somehow - It's just so horribly unoptimized for the CPU. Furthermore; most PhysX games (including Mirror's Edge), that...

+1 to you.

7870 "Tahiti LE" has some serious overclocking headroom compared to the tapped out 7870, plus it has 1/4 multi for FP64 instead of 1/16 multi.

That's true but, that's if the OP wanna stretch his budget :)

Eh, I've seen Tahiti LE's for as low as $230 (no rebate), so its in the ballpark still. Going over-budget by "only" 4% would be a godsend were I work. 😛

True but its the OP choice, would like to hear what he has to say
Thank you everyone for all your input sorry it took so long to reply, I myself like the 7870 Ive had ATI/AMD cards for a while the only reason id switch to nvidia is for physx, Does anyone know which would be better using HDMI output at 1080p?

Np, to me Nvidia Physx isn't much that big of a deal, but that's just me. The 7870 should be good enough

P.S i think Physx can be use with Amd Cards
PhysX technically can be used with AMD cards in some games if you've got a really good overclocked CPU, which I doubt the OP has since he's in the market for a budget graphics card.

The Nvidia cards I'd recommend for 1080p gaming start at 660ti and will end up costing almost 300 bucks. When it comes to budget gaming cards, AMD gives no quarter - their 7700- and 7800-series products offer so much better price to performance that it's not even a competition. So OP grab yourself either XFX or Gigabyte 7870.

Ive got a AMD phenom II x4 965 BE at stock settings and cooling...i have never OC'd anything and dont wanna screw any of my stuff up...sounds like a 7870 is the best choice then

PhysX being only on Nvidia cards is a complete lie. PhysX does run with AMD cards, however it offloads it to the CPU. Thus, the AMD card is hit more in performance (And this really doesn't matter, as 90% of the games that use PhysX normally are run at more than 60FPS easily). Its similar to how AMD cards perform better in higher resolutions, Nvidia cards perform better in PhysX capable games. However, its not really a just reason to purchase a Nvidia cards because of PhysX, as not enough games really use it.

Based on that info do you think ill get the performance that im looking for (1080p at 60+ FPS) with my current setup or should i just say F*** it and start over? I really havnt done anything to my current computer..

RAM: 16gb g skill 1600mhz ddr3 12800
CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965 black edition
GPU: ATI radeon 5450 1gb
Well you said it yourself; Right now the thing you need most is a graphics card. If you've got an extra $300 to spare, you could upgrade the motherboard and CPU to a newer ~$100 motherboard and Core i5 3570k processor.

If not you could get a proper CPU cooler for under 40 bucks and overclock your CPU up to 3,8 GHz for a slight boost. (I'm making the assumption that you don't have one because you said that you haven't overclocked.)

Nope im using stock cooling...is the 3570k good? i havnt used intel since the pentium 4 processor...Would all my componets work with a Intel setup? and would the I5 be better then the 965 im running now?
Grab the 660/660ti if you really want to use PhysX otherwise get the 7870/7870XT
Your CPU can run PhsyX on low but will take a slight fps hit
Another higher and your fps will tank
an 2600k at stock can tank up to phsyX medium before becoming unplayable


So we've come to see the day and age where PhysX equals one game? :na:
I'm telling you that using PhysX in some games, such as Mirror's Edge are completely unplayable with ANY single CPU you can find for the consumer market without editing the game code itself somehow - It's just so horribly unoptimized for the CPU. Furthermore; most PhysX games (including Mirror's Edge), that have PhysX only have On/Off setting and not 3 options like Borderlands 2 does.

As for the OP's question, yes. 3570k is THE budget CPU right now, even above anything that AMD has to offer and they've usually excelled at high performing, but low cost CPUs, such as the Phenom II X4 965 BE that you're rocking right this very second. Just get a motherboard that supports Intel Core 3rd gen to with the 3570k and your CPU performance would increase by quite a bit. Add a proper CPU cooler, like the Cooler Master 212 to the equation and you could achieve 4,8 GHz clocks with that processor.

So something like these 3
^just an example, its hard to find other PhsyX benchmarks as readily and borderlands 2 is a really popular game

I am not familiar with PhysX games 😛

here is with mirros edge you were mentioning and the cpu physX take a big hit

list of phsyX games