7870 Badly Overclocked?


May 2, 2013
Right now I'm running a gigabyte 7870 OC version, which is overclocked at
1200/1380mhz with the voltage set to 1.3v and power limit is 20%+.

I'm able to run battlefield3/4 cs;go and many other games perfectly fine
I looped Unigine Engine 4.0 for like 1 hour to stress test it, same with 3dmark.

But now i fear something is wrong because yesterday far cry 3 was on sale
i bought it and tried it, after like.. say 20 minutes of gameplay(it may be 50 too)
the game just goes black, the sound continues and nothing happens i gotta close it
from task manager, after i close it and go to chrome, everytime i do some movement
it does black artifacts. Untill i restart the pc.

Why would this happen only on far cry 3, and if you think the overclock is bad
tell me a program to stress test the gpu, except furmark, i hate that one, i feel like it
kills my gpu every time i leave it for more than 10 minutes.

P.S I've been running the gpu at these settings for over a year now.

I've looped heaven for more than 5 hours when i first found
1.3v 1200/1380 were acceptable by my gpu, But yeah
I think i solved my problem, it seems that my VRM Temps
go above 85c in far cry 3, they reach 98, while in benches like
unigine heaven they don't go above 85 for some reason,
The only way i found to lower the VRM temps was to lower the
voltage, meaning at stock 1.169v i had 64c and at 1.3v i had 98..
difference is huge but i can't run 1200/1380 with less than 1.3v
Even 1.294v was giving me bsod's, 1.3 was perfect.. darn vrm
y u exist
I found 1.250v at 1200/1250 to be stable, vrm temps go around 75c at 99% gpu utilization.

And honestly, who cares about 1 fps difference, if that the line between a crash and running fine then by all means
ill pick 1380 #yolo xD, but nah it ways perfect only temps were bad, i wonder if i can put some metal thingy that touches
the vrms so that the temps dont go as high as 95