7870 or 7950? (i5-750 CPU, 1680x1050)

King Mustard

Mar 17, 2010
I currently have a have a GeForce 560 (1 GB) from May 2011 with an Intel Core i5-750 CPU and 8 GB RAM.

I always play the latest games (e.g. currently Far Cry 3, Crysis 3), at 1680x1050.

My options are:

• HD 7870 (2 GB) (Mar 2012) (£170)
• HD 7950 (3 GB) (Jan 2012) (£210)

The 7950 is a little faster overall I believe, and has more RAM. However it's also £40 more.

Which do you suggest as a worthy upgrade?
saying as u are in the uk have a look on ebay you may be able to pick up a 7870 bargain i just got a club 3d 7870 not been able to test yet because i needed another psu and it isnt working and i bought it from a shop today 🙁 anyways club 3d is a unknown brand by most people but trust me it wont be unknown for long they have there pokercard series and i got the royalKing which is rated normal oc out of there range and the royalace and the jokercard get better in that order anyways you can pick up a club 3d 7870 for £155 with £6 postage but its special delivery (told u i got one 😛) and u wont regret it.
Btw im A. 13 B. Im not a market person for anything i just like tech. and im proud 😛

Cheers Jake
also there is not much performance increase (major anyways) like 5-10 fps at the most but for a extra £50 not really worth it get some more ram or a new psu etc

Hi - Look at the Anandtech comparison & judge for yourself,
as is a purely subjective decision after you compare.
Me, personally, I don't see the xtra 40 worth for the 7950,
you may feel differently.



however, keep in mind that the 7950 overclocks very well
when compared to other amd cards.

what make/model psu do you have?

Just discovered the Tahiti-core 7870 (December 2012).

It's £5 more than the standard 7870 but the performance is much closer to the 7950.

Also, I think I get 4 free games with the Tahiti-core 7870. I'll know tomorrow, when Aria's tech support is open.

I have an Antec EarthWatts 500W PSU. It's been fine with my GeForce 560, which uses similar amounts of power, I believe.

Hi - if the Tahiti 7870le is in stock, get it. It's not
in stock here. And yes, you have a quality PSU
sufficient for it.


Damn it, no free games. There were 4 very decent, new games over the Christmas period.

How frustrating.

Yeah, I hear ya. I purch my 7870 before the free games promo's began.
I knew they were coming, but the price was great & I had
already run on integrated graphics for 3 months!