7870 Tahiti LE back in stock for $208!

*** you for buying 2 when some people just want 1. They should of made the deal limited to 1 per household or account or some ***. I hope a lazy ass ups/fedex truck guy throws your box and breaks both of the cards.

Better yet I hope the ups/fedex truck guy is someone who was also looking at this deal before it went OOS, and takes both of yours.

Know what better yet I hope the truck that is delivering your card catches on fire and burns the card.

Calm down man, that's a horrible thing to say. Don't be mean just because someone bought something before you could, that's your fault, not his.

Did you seriously make an account just to say that..?
sapphire xt > powercolor le

I feel like a kid waiting to wake up on christmas morning to open his gifts, but in my case will be the fedex guy leaving my package outside my home. :)

The powercolor was $208 on sale, and the xt is $260 I think. Not worth a 52 dollar difference.

The powercolor was $208 on sale, and the xt is $260 I think. Not worth a 52 dollar difference.