7870 Tahiti vs 7950

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Feb 8, 2013
Hey guys, I am looking to buy a new graphic cards, and currently looking at the PCs 7870 tahiti le and the 7950 pcs boost, right now I can get the 7870 le at $249.99 with a $30 MIR while the 7950 goes for $299.99, so is it worth it to pay an extra $80 for the 7950 or just get the 7870 le? Note: This is for a while only, I am going to use this for probably till the end of this year and upgrade to the nvidia 700/amd 8000 series. Thank you! Any help is appreciated.
Yeah the tahiti le comes with tomb raider and bioshock and I like tomb raider too and crysis 3 too so the free gifts don't really matters to me, I just want to know that will the tahiti le plays at a good fps at max settings until the end of the year, if not I will be going for the 7950. Any suggestions?

If it's a place holder, then yeah the 7870 LE is perfect. The extra Vram won't be needed until right around when you are upgrading...

I think he's aware where they fall in the hierarchy of graphics cards, i think he just wants to know if it's really worth spending more on the 7950. I'd presume you already saw the Crysis 3 benchmarks OP


They're extremely close. But the 3gb vram on the 7950 is probably more future proof.

If you will be buying Crysis 3 then you might as well get the 7950. It will cost the same as a 7870 le + Crysis 3.
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