7870 TAHTI LE to Regular 7950


Apr 20, 2013
Hi all! I have an opportunity to upgrade my 7870 TAHTI LE to a regular 7950.

Should I do it?

It's a trade I give my graphics card to my friend and $30-$50 and he gives me a 7950

If you have your 7870 LE overclocked then it can approach the 7950 easily. However, a 7870 Tahiti LE GPU is currently more expensive than a 7950 so technically he should be paying you...Tahiti LE (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131484) 7950 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125414)

But I've heard that a 7950 overclocked can get to a 7970!
I always thought the comments that an overclocked x can approach y. They always seem to leave out what happens if y is overclocked! I don't have any real experience on the issue, but I don't think it's worth it. $30-50 for like half a tier upgrade, not gonna have much impact on performance.

I also would get another gig of VRAM!

Well I it's not worth it ill pass then I guess.


Overclocked as in when my 7870 le is overclocked or when the 7950 is overclocked

If the first then couldnt I overclock the 7950 to say 30% better