Hello everyone, I hope this is in the right spot.
So recently I been having a on going battle with my graphics cards I own a pair of Gigabyte 7950's in cross fire mode. I love the set up i'm very happy with the cards BUT I'm having some serious issues with the shadows (Or shader?) I played countless games borderlands 2, Loadout, World of warcraft, RAGE, Duke nukem Forever, Battle field 3. All have one thing in common jagged shadows in game play. I'm not sure if my cards are toast are going south. I tested and removed both cards from my mother board and tried them both one at a time, With the same results on both cards, I also tried rearranging them in the cross fire configuration with no luck. I changed mother boards as well I went from a h77 chipset to z77 chipset still same problem, I have a 750watt TX750 V2 from corsair powering my system. I'm very stumped about this problem I get really good FPS other then the graphic glitch to give you a better understanding here is a picture of loadout I just took, I also found a switch on my cards not sure what that does im guessing its to clear the bios? I also tried that.
So recently I been having a on going battle with my graphics cards I own a pair of Gigabyte 7950's in cross fire mode. I love the set up i'm very happy with the cards BUT I'm having some serious issues with the shadows (Or shader?) I played countless games borderlands 2, Loadout, World of warcraft, RAGE, Duke nukem Forever, Battle field 3. All have one thing in common jagged shadows in game play. I'm not sure if my cards are toast are going south. I tested and removed both cards from my mother board and tried them both one at a time, With the same results on both cards, I also tried rearranging them in the cross fire configuration with no luck. I changed mother boards as well I went from a h77 chipset to z77 chipset still same problem, I have a 750watt TX750 V2 from corsair powering my system. I'm very stumped about this problem I get really good FPS other then the graphic glitch to give you a better understanding here is a picture of loadout I just took, I also found a switch on my cards not sure what that does im guessing its to clear the bios? I also tried that.