7950 graphics card corrupted shadows?


Apr 27, 2012
Hello everyone, I hope this is in the right spot.

So recently I been having a on going battle with my graphics cards I own a pair of Gigabyte 7950's in cross fire mode. I love the set up i'm very happy with the cards BUT I'm having some serious issues with the shadows (Or shader?) I played countless games borderlands 2, Loadout, World of warcraft, RAGE, Duke nukem Forever, Battle field 3. All have one thing in common jagged shadows in game play. I'm not sure if my cards are toast are going south. I tested and removed both cards from my mother board and tried them both one at a time, With the same results on both cards, I also tried rearranging them in the cross fire configuration with no luck. I changed mother boards as well I went from a h77 chipset to z77 chipset still same problem, I have a 750watt TX750 V2 from corsair powering my system. I'm very stumped about this problem I get really good FPS other then the graphic glitch to give you a better understanding here is a picture of loadout I just took, I also found a switch on my cards not sure what that does im guessing its to clear the bios? I also tried that.

From the picture i see nothing wrong unless you are in an area where shadows should not be in the first place
if it is happening on both cards

if you want less jagged shadows then up the settings

otherwise there is literally not a single thing wrong with this picture and it is just what you get with gaming and you are being oversensitive to it

this whole statement is based on the picture provided

Right ill post anther picture for you to look at the settings are maxed out.


BUT, this is such a slight glitch compared to normal that honestly it took me a while to notice, and i honestly can't say that it isnt normal, as i'm sure i've seen things like these with almost every card i've owned. I'll play a little bit of all 3 when i get home (i own them too YAY 😀) but they are both so subtle that just a gentle downclock of your cards may fix it (hopefully)

Down clocked and this is what I'm left with



No effect
Ill be honest, this may just be a common occurrence and you may just be more sensitive to it than other people are. At first glance there truly seems to be very little wrong with the images other than slight graphical errors that may be part of the game rather than a fault of your cards (especially if it still happens with one card installed).

the only picture that looks like an actual graphical error to me is the battlefield pic, and even that is so subtle that i may have seen it in my own games with a 780 and just plain not noticed it. I would just maybe go look up some gameplay videos of each game and watch carefully to see if the same graphical anomalies are present. I say this because i have not seen video of your own gameplay, but i have seen others, and from referring to my own gameplay, the shadow jaggies you are seeing just look fairly normal to me.

Sorry for not being a big help, but i do hope watching some other gameplay videos from other people does resolve whether this is a problem, or just normal, and if it is a problem, then perhaps downclock by say 100mhz on memory and core clock, just to see if it is indeed graphics cards causing artifacting.
your you perhaps try to upload a video to youtube pointing out the exact flaws that are bothering you (doesnt matter which game, but preferrably the one that the problem bugs you most in. Even if it's a little 30 second fraps video that would work (msi afterburner isnt that bad either)

I changed the mother boards from a h77 chipset to a z77 chip set same results

I also went from a intel i5 2400 to a intel i7 3770k when I switched out the mother boards I have a Radeon 5770 from powercolor that doesn't give off theses odd things.
ok...well since you have no problem with the 5770, have you tried a better powersupply? a 750watt is indeed pushing it (not sure if we have talked about it already, but i think you said since it worked with a single 7950? but you get the problem with your 7970's it isnt the psu?)

it looks like you have done literally everything possible aside from get a new 7970, or try a new psu

Well I got 4 hard drives im sure I can clean one up and partition it and use it for testing

going to pop my video cards and see if I get the same issue just using onboard video and blow out the PCi-E slots to make sure there is no dust in them. I had some odd graphic problems before with dirt in the pci-E slot.