7950 won't use 100% cpu in bf4


Aug 22, 2013
I have a 7950 oced to 1100 mhz and a 6300 oced to 4.4 and when i monitor the usage it is at 60-80% and nerver over. it would be great if someone could help me. and yes I have done the core unpark thing.
Whats your GPU Usage? Maybe its your GPU thats the bottleneck? I see here that 6300 is 100% used, but thats against a titan - http://www.bf4blog.com/battlefield-4-beta-gpu-cpu-benchmarks/

I have a 7950 on 3570K @4.5 but dont have BF4 to test your scenario out 🙁

i also have a 6300(OC 4.2) and a GTX 760. my CPU usage never goes above 65%, except in benchmarks. BF4 only uses about 55% of my CPU, even in 64p servers. So why are you worried. the less it uses, the better, right?

how is it good to run at 100%? where did you get that idea from? the lower the better- less power usage, less heat etc

thats not always the case. check that BF4 has all 6 cores allocated under affinity in task manager.also, what usage do you get idle on the desktop?

0-10 using chrome :UPDATE: all the cores are being used
so you said the frame rate is not very good? please tell me what settings you are using. also, disable vsync, and press the ~ and type perfoverlay.drawfps 1(while in game)and take another screenshot like the one you did, so i can see your framerate? my GTX 760 is about = with a 7950, and i get 70-90 fps on ultra


Errm you do know that taskmanager shows just the CPU usage? Games use the gpu...
Your CPU running at 100% would mean it bottlenecks the GPU! If you want to know the GPU load use tools like gpu-z, I prefer radeonpro.

read the whole thread
i think he knows that it shows cpu usage, and maybe having english as a second language? has caused this confusion. he said it lags, even when the cpu usage is at 60%. so there is something wrong with his drivers for the gpu or something

I have read it...
But having a CPU at 100% load while playing games is not good as it could bottleneck the whole system (not the case here as it runs at ~60%). Low FPS usually result in bad drivers/software incompatibility or graphic settings too high 😛

If you played with moar frames before the last change you made is probably the problem, if you just build/bought your PC check for new drivers or adjust graphic settings (check how other hd7950s play your games)

Just my ideas 😀

No I'm amd it's the 7950

you have an AMD hd 7850 twin frozr? what the heck is that? a mixture of sapphire and msi?
Then I would wait until the Mantle update comes out in December. It should sort out your problems, fingers crossed:)

My last graphics card was a sapphire and my new one is Msi :lol:
Thanks for pointing it out i'll change my sig:)