7970 or 7870+128GB SSD


Sep 14, 2009
The topic says it all about my dilemma.
Both sides have the same price.
The brand for the graphics would be sapphire and for the SSD, Plextor M5S.

Except gaming, I do some professional 3D work and Photoshop, so which one side do you think I should go for?
i would without doubt buy the 7970. I have an ssd and yeah its great but all it does is load games a few seconds faster (actually hardly any faster) and boot faster (half the time as my hdd or less). that's it. my gpu does a lot more.
SSDs are great. The only thing they do for games is cut the load times in half. But they improve literally everything else when interacting with your PC. Shoot for a 128GB SSD + HD 7950 or GTX 660Ti. Anything above those cards is overpriced - even those are, a bit.

Thanks for the help.
In fact I bought this SSD today: Plextor M5S 128GB
And I'm going to save some money to get the 7950
I'm running a 2 display setup, and play games in one. so I don't think there is going to be much difference between 7950 and 7970 in that case.