I have heard at 1080p the gtx 770 is better then the 7970. But at the price difference there is between the cards, is it really worth it. I wont be overclocking my gpu that much and my CPU is an FX-8350
GTX 770: http://us.ncix.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=84735&vpn=02G-P4-2774-KR&manufacture=eVGA
Radeon 7970: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=AT-H7970CB&c=CJ
GTX 770: http://us.ncix.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=84735&vpn=02G-P4-2774-KR&manufacture=eVGA
Radeon 7970: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=AT-H7970CB&c=CJ