7970 wont connect to hdtv

Psychotic Penguin

Dec 20, 2013
I have a saphire 7970, and am trying to connect a samsung 47 inch tv. it used to work, until one day, no changes, it stopped. i have tried it on my roomates identical computer, with the same hdmi cored and it worked. we both have the same drivers also. on my computer it just does not show up. help? Thanks

Things always work just before they break.

As said, if the CORD and the PC have been verified working on another HDTV, and you had the same system working already with your HDTV then by the process of deduction it's your HDTV.

Try another HDMI device such as a DVD player on that HDTV input.
Almost sounds like you either have a faulty input on your TV, or you just have the wrong HDMI option picked in your TVs menu. You may also have something else hooked up that will require you to have to use a different HDMI input. On one of my parents TVs if you have component video plugged in at the same time, they have to use HDMI 2 instead of HDMI 1 to get a video signal. Which is weird I know, but it is the case. If you have the manual still, check in there to tell for sure. If not you can probably find a PDF file with the manual on Samsung's website.

Things always work just before they break.

As said, if the CORD and the PC have been verified working on another HDTV, and you had the same system working already with your HDTV then by the process of deduction it's your HDTV.

Try another HDMI device such as a DVD player on that HDTV input.