8 vs 4 pins cables


Feb 20, 2014
Hello, Im doing my fist build so Im sorry for asking maybe easy stuff, but Im worried to put things together incorrectly.

So, I have bought a coolermaster V1000 which came with 2 cables ending with 4+4 pins.

Motherboard I bought is Asus Z87pro which has one 8 pin connector. It says EATX12V there.

My question is why the PSU comes with 2 4+4 pin cables and not just one as this could create 8pin...

My second question is if I should use both cables and insert one half from each. When I look at the end of one 4+4 cable the shapes of one of 4 pin doesnt fit in the 8pin connector. It can be inserted its just the shape that doesnt match. Or is one 4 pin enough in this case?

Im not sure if I can connect both 4 pins to that 8pin connector as the shape is not matching. If I would take one half from one cable and other half from the second cable then I could create 8pin with matching holes.

Im sorry if its confusing. Im confused :D

I will run GTX780 SLI and the CPU is i7-4770k.

I have looked at many threads and cannot find the answer to this.

Thank you very much for your help!


Mar 3, 2011
Some motherboards use only one 4 pin connector, others use 8, so they just do 4+4.

If you can insert it and it fits, it is fine. The "house" can fit in the "square", just not the other way around.

Plug both 4+4 into the socket.


Feb 20, 2014
ahaaa, strange that the house can fit in the square. It makes me thing Im inserting it wrong. Ok I will check it. Why are there two 4+4 cables shipped with the PSU? So just to be sure one 4+4 cable is the correct way? I can leave the second one unused?

Thank you.


Feb 20, 2014
Hey guys, so I put the computer together now and it wont boot up :D. On the Asus z87pro mobo the memOK lights up, but nothing else happens. All the fans are spinning. I tried moving the RAM and having only one stick with the same result. Q code is 23- CPU or RAM? First time when I started the computer code 55 came but that is not showing anymore.

Interestingly when I hold the memOK button the comp shuts down and "restarts" then the memok is blinking + CPU_LED blinks once or twice.

I hope there are no bent pins :(

Just to clarify the memory is CORSAIR D316GB 1600-10 Vengeance bu K2 COR. Im not sure it ifs compatible with the motherboard.

PS: Now I see that CPU LED blinks once before MemOK turns on.

Thank you in advance.