80+ temp gpu

Jul 26, 2018
I have this issue , i would like to ask why my gpu temp goes 80+ when i play farcry 5
My rig
Techware vision 4 orbis fan
Ryzen 5 2600
Deepcool siedon 240p
Palit gtx 1070ti dual(putted a rgb backblate on it)
Aerocool 750 80+ gold
16gb 8x2 sk hybix/ corsair
120gb wd ssd
2 hdd 1x2tb 1x3tb

Is it safe for my gpu to have that 80+ temp when im in game?

(Temp by nzxt cam monitor)

Thank you
80* is fine for FC5. So long as the fans are kicking on and it doesn't go higher. If you are truely worried about it you can set the fan curve to kick on at certain temps and at how much power.
Ex:If >70*, Fan Power at 50%, increase by 5% per degree over 70* until 100% Fan Power
80* is fine for FC5. So long as the fans are kicking on and it doesn't go higher. If you are truely worried about it you can set the fan curve to kick on at certain temps and at how much power.
Ex:If >70*, Fan Power at 50%, increase by 5% per degree over 70* until 100% Fan Power
Before just saying offhand that yeah, those temps are ok, it might be a good idea to figure out WHY they are at that level.

So, where is your radiator mounted, top or front, and how are the fans oriented on them? Are the fans pushing through the radiator or pulling through it? Are they blowing out of the case or bringing air into the case THROUGH the radiator?

What other case fans do you have, and what kind of orientation are they in? You'd be surprised how many times we see horribly wrong configurations where the fans are totally ass backwards. I've seen configurations where they had the front radiator pulling air in BUT had the rear and top fans also configured as intake because somebody told them that positive pressure was better. Uh, first, that's not what they meant. LOL.

Second, it's not. At least not for cooling performance. For dust suppression, sure. Anyhow, even having one case fan configured in a non-optimal orientation can be enough to drastically reduce cooling performance which in turn can have a serious impact on GPU card cooling.

Also, what is the ambient temperature in your region currently AND in your room? IOW, is it summer where you are, or winter, or fall, and what kind of room temperature do you have where your PC is at?

Also, just out of curiousity, exactly which model of Aerocool PSU do you have?
That is not correct. Palit specifically states, and other card specifications are similar, that the MAXIMUM operating temperature of the thermal diode for this card is 90°C. Page 14, user manual of this card. Others are the about the same.

So below 85°C is still within spec, above is beginning to get very close to where bad things start happening.

Myself, I wouldn't want to ever see anything over 85°C, ever. And there is no reason why you should. You can configure the fan profile to kick in a bit earlier, or choose a preset profile that does that as well. Just because something CAN survive at a given value, such as an Intel processor running at 80°C, does NOT mean you WANT to see it living there under normal operating conditions.

75-82°C under load conditions would be a lot more comfortable for the longevity of the card IMO. Much of the thermal situation can be alleviated, on a variety of builds, with better cooling hardware and better configuration of the case fans to provide CPU and GPU coolers the fresh air they need to do their jobs adequately.