Hi, I'm looking for some advice on moving from console gaming to PC gaming. I am wanting this build to replace my Xbox and my laptop, I will be using this PC on my 1080p Tv to start off with and eventually want to run maybe 2,3 monitors and a tv. I will be using this to play games and want to be able to run games like GTA V, CSGO, and Ark Survival evolved (I know this is very badly optimized) at 1080p on decent setting at 60fps also want to be able to run future games like Tom Clancys: The Division. I would like to use this PC to edit my GoPro videos and occasional photo editing, I edit 1080p 60fps video and want to be able to edit without lag. I also want to get into YouTube so would like to able to record games and still play them at decent setting on high frame rates.
Approximate Purchase Date: Around December ( Christmas time )
Budget Range: $800 USD or $1250 NZD maximum. After shipping to New Zealand
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, GoPro video editing, Recording, Movie streaming (Netflix etc.)
Are you buying a monitor: Eventually yes but to start I will use my 1080p tv
Parts to Upgrade: Have no reusable parts since this is my first build
Do you need to buy OS: Yes but if I could skip out on the OS and get better parts I could probably get it from a friend or something.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Trustworthy sites that can ship to New Zealand for cheap
Location: New Zealand, Auckland
Parts Preferences: Any parts that will get me the best bang for my buck and will last a decent amount of time
Overclocking: Maybe (Not to sure what over locking is all about)
SLI or Crossfire: Don't know what that is
Your Monitor Resolution: I will be using a 1080p tv and would like to run additional 1080p monitors in the future
Additional Comments: Would be nice to have a window and some LEDs if possible but is definitely not essential. Want a clean looking case not some super crazy colour.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I am upgrading because I am in need of a new computer as my MacBook is getting outdated and thought why not replace my Xbox One as well and get into PC gaming.
Thank you anybody who helps me with my choice
Approximate Purchase Date: Around December ( Christmas time )
Budget Range: $800 USD or $1250 NZD maximum. After shipping to New Zealand
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, GoPro video editing, Recording, Movie streaming (Netflix etc.)
Are you buying a monitor: Eventually yes but to start I will use my 1080p tv
Parts to Upgrade: Have no reusable parts since this is my first build
Do you need to buy OS: Yes but if I could skip out on the OS and get better parts I could probably get it from a friend or something.
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Trustworthy sites that can ship to New Zealand for cheap
Location: New Zealand, Auckland
Parts Preferences: Any parts that will get me the best bang for my buck and will last a decent amount of time
Overclocking: Maybe (Not to sure what over locking is all about)
SLI or Crossfire: Don't know what that is
Your Monitor Resolution: I will be using a 1080p tv and would like to run additional 1080p monitors in the future
Additional Comments: Would be nice to have a window and some LEDs if possible but is definitely not essential. Want a clean looking case not some super crazy colour.
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I am upgrading because I am in need of a new computer as my MacBook is getting outdated and thought why not replace my Xbox One as well and get into PC gaming.
Thank you anybody who helps me with my choice