8320 Won't OC?


Feb 4, 2016
So I installed a 212 EVO today with the intent to OC my 8320, I turned off power-saving in the MOBO, turned off AMD's boost-clock technology and all that so it's just sitting at stock 3.5Ghz.

But everytime I try to bump it up to 3.6Ghz it crashes, even after raising the voltage from 1.3625 (Stock for me) to 1.3875. Now this is the first time I've ever done OC'ing but that doesn't seem right to me?

I would imagine I shouldn't even need to bump the voltage up to just increase the clock speed by 100mhz, let alone bump the voltage up to 1.3875, and it still crashes.

Maybe I'm just greatly under-estimating and therefore undervolting the cpu?

My MOBO is the ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0
I have a 8350, and a asus m5a97 rev 1 with heat sinks, ibwas able to get to 4.4 GHz,
I'd think you'd be able to bump up 100mhz... I'd try bump voltage one notch at a time to see if it helps.
Try putting a fan overtop of the vrms see if that helps
I can't get it up 100mhz even if bump the voltage up twice. I must agree with SR-71, I don't think this board can do OCing. Do you think if I picked up some VRM heatsinks I might be able to get at least 500Mhz increase out of my 8320?
it could help, but cant guarantee it.
I find it really weird because my brother inlaw has your exact motherboard with a phenom II 965, stock clock is 3.4ghz and i helped him overclock it to 4ghz, the voltage at 1.4678 and its been like that forever and he has never had a issue.
Interesting, perhaps I just got unlucky with my CPU, I may try the heatsinks and see what happens, the thing I don't understand though is the fact I can't even up it my 100mhz even if I bump the voltage up twice, I should be able to get that out of it at least you'd imagine right?
my m5a97 and 8350 was a pain to overclock, ill give you my settings that i shut off.
amd turbo core-off
memory frequency-1333mhz
cpu spread spectrum- off
pcie spread spectrum- off
epu power savings-off
cpu load line calibration-auto( load line calibration has been known to volt WAY to high on M5A97 motherboard, so leave it on auto or disable it)
cpu/nb load line calibration- auto
core c6 state-off
hpc mode-enabled
apm master mode-off

Hope that helps