FX-8350 vs. i7-4790K:
FX-8350 vs. it-4690K:
The i5 beats the FX on some benchmarks, but is beated by the FX on other benchmarks. However, it also currently costs about $50-60 USD more than the FX. That might be small enough of a margin to go with the GTX 970 on an Intel build...but on the other hand, for the same cost you could fit an SSD or even more RAM (RAM being more important on an editing build, especially if you can get to 16GB or more).
The i7 handily beats the FX in all benchmarks. However, it's way more expensive -- about $150 or so USD more -- which means that in order to fit the GTX 970 in you'll either have to pay a lot more money or cut corners somewhere else (i.e. less RAM, no SSD/smaller HDD, etc.).
As for the OP's original builds, unless you're going to massively OC the FX chip you don't need a liquid cooler -- in fact, unless you plan on OC'ing either one you can do just fine with the stock coolers -- which cut about $40-50 off of its cost (offset by adding the additional case fans from the Intel build). That puts both builds pretty much on par...& given the choice between an FX-8350/GTX 970 build & an i7-4790K/GTX 960 build, I think I'd prefer the first one for better graphics horsepower.