8400 vs 2400G


Jul 27, 2018
I'm about to build a budget system for Workstation (photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD etc) & light Gaming in around $500-550. Specs will be- 2x4GB RAM, 128GB SATA SSD, 1TB HDD. I have a few question on some choices on processor.

They are:-
1) Should I get the I3-8100? So I can look over more accessories. Or just buy an I5-8400. It'll be hard for me to get a GPU soon or maybe never. For that, should I get the AMD R5-2400G?

2) How much gaming is possible without GPU in 2400G compared to Intel's lineup?

3) Differences in power consumption between 8400 & 2400G.

4) Can I use stock PSU that comes with the casing? What worst can be happen if I use it? Or it'll be fine with just extra cost on electricity bill.

(I have bought the casing. It's Golden Field 6021B with 450w PSU.)

The 1050Ti might be close to being saturated with a 2400G, but, the 8400 is far superior, and would allow better gains with a GPU-upgrade in the future, vice being cpu-handicapped with a mere 2400G
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor ($199.79 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - B360M DS3H Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($65.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($129.99 @ Newegg Business)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($43.90 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1050 2GB AERO ITX Video Card ($119.99 @ B&H)
Total: $559.66
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-09-10 11:17 EDT-0400

AutoCad prefers Intel.
16 gb is better for workstation
1050 is better than IGPU on 2400G
case with psu is usually poor quality unit, but 450 is more than enough for the rig above.

I have the build, only want to know if 2400g is good without GPU...
What is the brand and model number of the PSU that came with the case? As mentioned, most of the time, the PSU included with the case is not of good quality (regardless of what it's wattage rating is), but it couldn't hurt for us to know what exact PSU that is.

If you're sticking with light gaming, you could save reasonably well with the Ryzen 2400G. The i3/i5 processors will NEED a discrete video card. Gaming is practically not doable with those.

As noted by others, the GTX 1050 (and definitely the 1050Ti) are definitely better for gaming than the integrated GPU on the 2400G. The integrated graphics on the 2400G are probably the equivalent of the Nvidia GT 1030, and in any case is far superior to Intel's integrated graphics.

I suppose it all depends on what your intended games are.

EDIT: if you do go with the 2400G, you'll obviously need a completely different motherboard, and it's well worth the few extra dollars to go with faster RAM.

The 2400G's IGP is about twice as fast as what you'll get from Intel's current generation. If you might never get a GPU, the 2400G will be considerably more usable for gaming but we're still only talking GT1030 class performance, barely enough for light gaming and low details in most modern titles.

what performance will be the difference between intel & amd for autocad?
The 2400G is 'ok' at 720P gaming, with it's integrated graphics roughly matching a GTX1030....

You'd be far better off with an 8400 and at least a GTX1050Ti, if at all possible, despite the additional expense, unless happy with 720P gaming at 40-50 fps.......and content knowing it will undoubtedly be worse with newer games.

what about photoshop?

how much fps difference will be there between 8400 & 2400g if i add a 1050ti?

CoD series, gta v, assassins creed series, battlefield series, nfs series, maybe pubg:pt1cable: also...also some modern racing games at 1080p.

what about gta v?...(fps), (quality)

mobo - gigabyte ga-ab360 gaming 3?... ram - hyperx fury 4gb 2400mhz, oc upto 3200mhz... games - cod, gta iv/v, battlefield, nfs,assassins creed, some modem racing games

my build is-
i5 8400 with b360 aorus gaming 3 or 2400g with ga-ab350 gaming 3.
2x4gb hyperx fury 2400mhz...(i already have 1)
120/128gb ssd & toshiba dt01aca100 1tb hdd
stock psu- 450w

what about this build?
note:- no gpu right now
it doesn't shows the amount of memory for 2400g gpu on game-debate. how much memory actually it has or equal to?

also why it's so cheap when it's a competitor to i5 and has such iGPU?
iGPUs generally rely on using some system RAM, rather than their own dedicated RAM.

And it's cheap because Intel's pricing scheme is "because we're Intel, that's why" and Intel became complacent for several years before Ryzen came out and made AMD competitive again.
Your going to want at 3000mhz memory and probably a good idea to go with 16GB , the reason why it doesn't show the memory on the 2400g is because it uses system memory so you set how much memory the igpu uses. As far as game performance you should be able to play the games your listed at 1080p at med/high setting getting at least 30 fps. You can do youtube searches if you want to see the actual setting. However that is with the exception of Pugb you may have to run that at low setting if you want to keep the frame rate up.