860K vs 760K, Approximately $6 difference...or


Nov 30, 2012
Like my title says, what do you guys think is a better choice if the 860K and 760K are priced differently approximately $5-6. I have a Low-Mid Range Gaming Desktop that is composed with Radeon HD 7850 1GB, 8GB of DDR3 1600MHz, 120GB SSD and 1TB of Storage HDD. I used to use a A10-6790K but it failed on me so I have been using the backup A4-4000. I've been waiting for Carrizo/Excavator APU/CPUs since I bought the FM2+ board but the wait is getting long and I am thinking of buying a Quad-Core APU/CPU for the computer. I've been playing Shadows of Mordor on High-Settings but the weak Dual-Core APU is being used 100% which leads to hangs occasionally. If I can get a 860K for as little as $5-6 more than a 760K should I go for the 860K or the 760K?

Cooler Master N200 Micro ATX Case
Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H Motherboard (4+2 Power Phase, Installed small heatsinks for the VRM/Mosfet)
Gigabyte Radeon HD 7850 1GB OC (1100MHz Core, 1300MHz VRAM)
Corsair XMS3 8GB DDR3 1600MHz
CPU Cooler (Hyper 212+ or Seidon 240M)
Storage (120GB SSD + 1TB HDD)
Cooler Master Silent Pro M2 620W Power Supply

I only want to know if I should get the 860K over the 760K or wait a 4-5 months for Carrizo. I have two other computers (also based on AMD processors) Phenom II X6 1090T OCed to 3.8GHz with a GTX 470 (Hot Machine) and an older Athlon X2 6400+ and a 4850 CF. Then there is my entry-level gaming laptop with an i7-3632QM with an 650M 2GB OCed to 1085 Core + Boost. An Intel based Gaming Desktop would be nice but I don't think it will happen. There's a higher chance of selling gaming laptop, macbook, and two desktops and getting a better gaming laptop consisting of an i7 and a GTX 980M for simpler mobility purposes.


IMO, waiting for more reviews won't really change anything, whichever you go for you won't regret it.
The performance difference is marginal.
As far as overclocking goes, both overclock very well, the 760k may overclock better/more but that is not guaranteed because every chip is different, its the luck of the draw.
If you want to save yourself the $6, you ahead and get the Richland-based 760K. The performance difference isn't going to make or break your computer. However, for only a $6, you may mind as well get the 860K.

Sadly, there are not many reviews on the chip, yet. Those that exist are generally favorable, however.

I get ok frame rates on the main game I play(BF4). I havent overclocked it yet but from what I've heard it wont overclock very far.
Thanks for replying everyone. Yeah the highest OC I've seen is 4.6 and in general people seem to hit 4.4/4.5GHz on the 860K. I'll wait a little longer to see if more reviews come up but with DA: Inquisition, AC:U, Witcher 3 coming up I'll have to make a decision soon.


IMO, waiting for more reviews won't really change anything, whichever you go for you won't regret it.
The performance difference is marginal.
As far as overclocking goes, both overclock very well, the 760k may overclock better/more but that is not guaranteed because every chip is different, its the luck of the draw.
Alright thanks guys. Currently I am bargaining with the 760K owner to see if I can get another $10 off so a total $16-17. If that falls through I'm going with the 860K and that will be the last upgrade for this FM2+ platform.

When I need more performance down the line I guess it will be time to build an Intel Build again or wait to see how AMD's Zen will turn out.