8700k can't clock higher than 47 without delid?


Dec 18, 2014

I don't think it's possible to overclock an 8700k past 4.7Ghz without deliding the processor. I have a Corsair h150i pro liquid cooler and the package temperature is 85-87C while stress testing (vCore is only 1.212V - 1.24V too). Is it normal for the i7 8700k to run this hot and is that temperature safe while running prime95 small ffts? Or should I not even try to overclock it?
I have a few thoughts on this. First, your temps doing this will be much higher than your temps while gaming/other use. While I wouldn't allow the temps to get much higher, I'm not worried about 85C during stress testing. As long as your gaming or other use temps are back under 65-70C or so you'll be alright. You also have a seriously high tmpin4. 102C? That could be a part on the motherboard frying. Check your board near the CPU and see if you need active cooling on those sinks. (I just woke up, can't remember the name for the VRMs. Yay! Brain finally booting up!)

I'd like to point out that there is only a 400MHz difference between 4.7GHz and 5.1GHz. That's not enough to make me push a chip if the temps or voltage get out...
I have a few thoughts on this. First, your temps doing this will be much higher than your temps while gaming/other use. While I wouldn't allow the temps to get much higher, I'm not worried about 85C during stress testing. As long as your gaming or other use temps are back under 65-70C or so you'll be alright. You also have a seriously high tmpin4. 102C? That could be a part on the motherboard frying. Check your board near the CPU and see if you need active cooling on those sinks. (I just woke up, can't remember the name for the VRMs. Yay! Brain finally booting up!)

I'd like to point out that there is only a 400MHz difference between 4.7GHz and 5.1GHz. That's not enough to make me push a chip if the temps or voltage get out of hand. To be honest, if you have to cause the temps to go to high or increase the Vcore too much to get to 4.8 or 5.0, it's not worth it. 4.7GHz is still really fast.

I'm not sure why it's so high? I just built this computer yesterday. I have 2 fans on top of my case blowing a lot of air.
Edit: Now my TMPIN4 is 119C and slowly increasing Damn 🙁
You are using an AOI cooler which doesn't provide any air flow to your VRM heatsinks. Strap a fan to them and see if that temp comes down. You need them running cool as well as the CPU. Over taxed VRMS aren't going to provide clean power to the CPU, and can prevent a good OC.

My AOI cooler is in the front of my case. I also have 2 fans on top of my case pulling air in and a third fan exhausting air.
I assume all those fans at the back and top are exhaust fans? None of them are "in line" with that area you marked, and it doesn't appear to be getting any real airflow. Worse, it has that bracket on the top just holding air in. If all three of those fans are exhaust fans, try flipping some around to blow air in. Or as I said earlier try strapping an old fan to that area somehow. You need to move air across that section somehow.

Apparently this is a known issue with Z370 Gigabyte motherboards
I can't fix it without voiding the warranty 🙁. Should I get a new motherboard?
I'm pretty sure newer versions of P95 use AVX instructions (which aren't common in many typical consumer workloads) which can result in unusually high temps. Try either using version 26.6, or I believe that on modern Intel platforms allow a multiplier offset for AVX instructions.
you are using avx prime which is pushing temps high. use p95 26.6 like tjhooker said. otherwise, no delid is going to have high temps period. depending on the quality of the original tim and the silicon lottery im not surprised you have high temps. i dont think i was able to go past 4.8ghz which temps going crazy before delid and i have an average quality chip, actually maybe slightly lower quality that average.

Very good advice you've attempted to share with the OP.

At JX432, even though your 8700K did not come with a cooler and you chose an AIO cooler, unfortunately the motherboard setup is still designed for a forced air cooling solution and your fans on the top and rear of the case are not supplying what that type of cooler would have been outputting over the motherboards VRMs.

Which means you have to supply the missing air over those VRMs.

FYI: it is possible to to overclock an 8700K past 4.7ghz without delidding the processor, IF, the cooling solution you are running can support it.

Ok so I flipped one of the fans over so more air would blow on the VRMs and I'm using Prime95 2.66. Here are my temps after stress testing for about 30 minutes:
What do you guys think?