8700k overclock safe temps


Jun 22, 2018
Hello, I'm wondering if 70-75c temps are ok while under gaming load or if I should be getting cooler temps with my AIO. I'm running the 8700k overclocked at 4.9ghz. Corsair AIO H100i v2, Rx 580x2 8gb Crossfire, Corsair Vengeance 2x8gb DDR4 3000.

ok, thanks. I knew it was decent temps but wasn't sure if I should expect lower temps.

You probably can't expect much lower unless you delid. The 8700k in its stock configuration runs quite hot. I have mine OCed to 4.8GHz at 1.25V and will get up into the 70s in more CPU heavy titles (I'm using a Deepcool Assassin II air cooler, no delid). If you have to go up to 1.3V or more to get 4.9GHz stable, then it's going to be rather toasty without a delid.

I'm at 1.35V, any lower and I couldn't get it stable. Depending what titles I run it'll stay in the 60s but some games I'm seeing a high of 75c at times. I'm hesitant to delid without the tool which I don't have and I've never attempted a delidding.

Well your temps are safe, so you don't really need to delid unless you want to go for 5.0GHz, which for your chip would probably require you to go up to the 1.4V max safe Vcore. I probably would just stay at 4.9 myself, not really worth going through the trouble to delid and void the warranty just to squeeze maybe another 100MHz out of the CPU.
Yea, I don't plan to try for 5ghz. I just wanted some input on if those temps are to be expected. I appreciate your advice! Next thing I'm waiting for is to see some benchmarking results on the Rtx series. That may be my next addition.