8800 GTX x2 SLI

pluke the 2

Aug 31, 2009
Good Afternoon,

A few brief questions.

My system specs:

Q9550 OC @ 4.2 (water)
EVGA 790i Ultra Sli
8800 GTX Sli (764mb ea)
4 gb dd3 ram
X3 Ultra 1000W PSU

Running a 24" 1080 hp monitor, forget which one. I can get the model if i look for it longer, but I know I amrunning 1920 x 1050 ATM.

1. Which one card will give me about the same performance as my two cards?

2. What will be a good upgrade for the cost and future gaming experience?

What would you guys do? Rebuild a brand new system and toss this one out the window?

hmmmm.. any replies will help, and I am bored at work..


Nov 27, 2008
If you want to upgrade soon GTX 275, then SLI when ya feel like you want it. But IMO I would wait until GTX 3xx series. 8800GTX SLI still handles itself mighty well at 1920. I don't think GTX 275 will quite match up with 8800GTX SLI but once you get a 2nd you'll be flying circles around em.

If you want superior performance in 1 gpu you might have to wait until the next series...

As for the rest of your system it looks fine. C2Q @ 4.2 ghz still handles games plenty fine, and should for a while.
If it's running fine right now then I'd wait for the DX11 cards. The only single card that would give you as much performance as the two of yours would be a 4850X2. As far as single GPUs even the might GTX285 is generally a little slower than two 8800GTX cards in SLi. The only real upgrade for you right now would be the GTX 295 or a 4870X2. With the GTX295 you can get one now and add another latter (since you have an SLI board).

pluke the 2

Aug 31, 2009

Well. "Trying to keep updated on gaming rigs" Basically having money that is burning a hole in my pockets...

and so far,

I play L4D, occasional wow, and play/ test many demo's like COD4, dawn of discovery, hon, overlord 2, all which run @ max settings

OS: Windows XP SP2

thanks for the replies.

Pluke -