8GB DDR4 VS 16GB DDR4 for 980 Ti?


Sep 6, 2014
Hello, I was at Microcenter yesterday and I was speaking with one of the employees I always talk to and I mentioned I picked up a 980 ti classified the other day and he asked me how much ram do I have? I said I have 8GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance 2666mhz he said, I should be running 16gb DDR4 with having a 980 ti? Can anybody back up this statement? If So I'll go pick up another 8gb with my gift card I have!
The amount of RAM your system should have has nothing to do with the GPU. Odds are, though, that higher end systems with 980 Ti's are running things that use more RAM than people with systems that have, say, a 750Ti. You do not need more to drive it, but what happens is when you have a 980Ti you probably turn things up to extreme/ultra and *that* uses more memory.
Doesn't make any sense. Just run your performance monitor in the background and see your current RAM usage. If it doesn't break 85-90% then you're fine with 8GB. If you're tapping past that then I would recommend upgrading to 16GB.
The amount of RAM your system should have has nothing to do with the GPU. Odds are, though, that higher end systems with 980 Ti's are running things that use more RAM than people with systems that have, say, a 750Ti. You do not need more to drive it, but what happens is when you have a 980Ti you probably turn things up to extreme/ultra and *that* uses more memory.