8GB for now and then add more later ok?


Jul 1, 2012
Ive ordered a B360 Motherboard with Intel Core i5 8400. Now i need to get some memory and was looking for 16GB but the RAM prices are crazy high these days so i think my budget will only allow 8GB for now.

Later down the line i'll want to add another stick of 8GB but I understand this could lead to compatibility issues.

Just want to know is it feasible to add more later down line or should i wait another month or 2 till i can save more for 16GB

If they are exactly same brand & spec then that's just the same as buying a matched pair, obviously.
There's nothing else special about a matched pair - - it's just two sticks which are...
Generally it's best to buy a matched pair in a single transaction as most motherboards support dual channel architecture for better RAM performance - - - and you won't get the benefit of that with just one stick.

Plus you may have a problem further down the road if you can't find a stick which matches the one you bought earlier (eg they may not work together).

DDR4 anything from 2133 upwards whichever was cheapest really. Ive been use to DDR3 1333MHz so not fussed about the fastest speed.


Thats what i was thinking. What if I get say DDR4 2133MHz 8GB Fury for example and then in 6 months theres exactly same would they work ok even if not the same pairing

If they are exactly same brand & spec then that's just the same as buying a matched pair, obviously.
There's nothing else special about a matched pair - - it's just two sticks which are identical.

Point is, you can't be 100% sure that an identical stick will be available later on - - hence the wisdom of buying a matched pair on the same day.


Ah right thats what i wasnt 100% sure of, i didnt know if the two together were matched in another way. I suspect if i get one of the faster speeds of DDR4 now in a few months there will still likely be available to buy. I get its a risk but im only talking a few months and if i get one of the bigger brand slike Fury or something should be ok.